son->message ) ? sprintf( __( 'Error Details: %s', 'jetpack-connection' ), (string) $json->message ) : ''; return new WP_Error( (string) $json->code, $error_description, $code ); } if ( empty( $json->jetpack_secret ) || ! is_scalar( $json->jetpack_secret ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'jetpack_secret', '', $code ); } Error_Handler::get_instance()->delete_all_errors(); return $this->get_tokens()->update_blog_token( (string) $json->jetpack_secret ); } /** * Disconnect the user from, and initiate the reconnect process. * * @return bool */ public function refresh_user_token() { ( new Tracking() )->record_user_event( 'restore_connection_refresh_user_token' ); $this->disconnect_user( null, true, true ); return true; } /** * Fetches a signed token. * * @deprecated 1.24.0 Use Automattic\Jetpack\Connection\Tokens->get_signed_token() instead. * * @param object $token the token. * @return WP_Error|string a signed token */ public function get_signed_token( $token ) { _deprecated_function( __METHOD__, '1.24.0', 'Automattic\\Jetpack\\Connection\\Tokens->get_signed_token' ); return $this->get_tokens()->get_signed_token( $token ); } /** * If the site-level connection is active, add the list of plugins using connection to the heartbeat (except Jetpack itself) * * @param array $stats The Heartbeat stats array. * @return array $stats */ public function add_stats_to_heartbeat( $stats ) { if ( ! $this->is_connected() ) { return $stats; } $active_plugins_using_connection = Plugin_Storage::get_all(); foreach ( array_keys( $active_plugins_using_connection ) as $plugin_slug ) { if ( 'jetpack' !== $plugin_slug ) { $stats_group = isset( $active_plugins_using_connection['jetpack'] ) ? 'combined-connection' : 'standalone-connection'; $stats[ $stats_group ][] = $plugin_slug; } } return $stats; } /** * Get the WPCOM or self-hosted site ID. * * @param bool $quiet Return null instead of an error. * * @return int|WP_Error|null */ public static function get_site_id( $quiet = false ) { $is_wpcom = ( defined( 'IS_WPCOM' ) && IS_WPCOM ); $site_id = $is_wpcom ? get_current_blog_id() : \Jetpack_Options::get_option( 'id' ); if ( ! $site_id ) { return $quiet ? null : new \WP_Error( 'unavailable_site_id', __( 'Sorry, something is wrong with your Jetpack connection.', 'jetpack-connection' ), 403 ); } return (int) $site_id; } /** * Check if Jetpack is ready for uninstall cleanup. * * @param string $current_plugin_slug The current plugin's slug. * * @return bool */ public static function is_ready_for_cleanup( $current_plugin_slug ) { $active_plugins = get_option( Plugin_Storage::ACTIVE_PLUGINS_OPTION_NAME ); return empty( $active_plugins ) || ! is_array( $active_plugins ) || ( count( $active_plugins ) === 1 && array_key_exists( $current_plugin_slug, $active_plugins ) ); } }